Teaching Assistanship


Applicants for admission to the Master of Science in Technical Communication (MSTC) program may apply for a departmental Teaching Assistantship.

We are able to offer assistantships to approximately one third of applicants who will begin their graduate work in the fall semester as full-time students.

Deadline for consideration: February 1.

Financial Aid and Benefits

English Department TAs receive:

  • Full tuition coverage
  • A modest annual stipend disbursed biweekly during the school year
  • A Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching earned as part of the training program. For more information, visit the CoAT program page.

Although the Graduate Student Support Plan (GSSP) pays tuition in full, it does not cover university fees, which amount to around $1,200 per semester. For more information on tuition and fee rates by academic year, visit the Graduate Tuition and Fees page.

As of January 2017, NCSU can no longer provide included health insurance to teaching assistants due to changes in federal legislation.

Teaching Assignments

TAs in the MSTC program will teach 3 sections of undergraduate Professional Writing courses. Undergraduate students typically enroll in these courses during their third and fourth years of study. Professional Writing course options include:

  • ENG 331–Communication for Engineering and Technology
  • ENG 332­–Communication for Business and Management
  • ENG 333–Communication for Science and Research

The Graduate School defines Teaching Assistantships at NCSU as one-half-time appointments. The workload in English thus averages about 20 hours per week. This workload may be somewhat lighter in the first year, when TAs are beginning their training and assisting other instructors. The workload will be heavier in the second year, when TAs will teach their own classes.

For a timeline of the teaching assistantship program, visit the Current Teaching Assistants page.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Jason Swarts
Director of Professional Writing Program
Department of English
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695

Email: jason_swarts@ncsu.edu

Conditions of Renewal

If you have been awarded a Teaching Assistantship, see the Essential Information for Teaching Assistants page for details on your first year.

In the first year, TAs must earn 18 graduate credit hours in English to be eligible to teach their own ENG classes in the second year.

Reappointment to a second year of an assistantship requires successful progress toward the degree, as measured by:

  • Maintaining a 3.0 or higher GPA
  • Completing before the fall of the second year of 18 hours of credit in courses carrying letter grades
  • Recommendation of those who have taught and supervised the TA during the initial year

For more information, contact:

Ms. Cara Smelter
Graduate Programs Coordinator
Department of English
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695
Email: enggradcoord@ncsu.edu