Student Events and Associations

“It is because of the MSTC degree that I found a full-time job as a Technical Writer. This degree is highly valued in the industry and corporations have very high regard for a specialization in the Technical Communication field.

I have found this degree extremely valuable in helping me transition from my previous job to my current one, and developing my knowledge in the field of technical writing… I believe that this degree will help me in directly applying my knowledge at my workplace. ”

– Sreeranjani

The Master of Science in Technical Communication admits 10 to 20 students each year. Students bring in diverse undergraduate degrees and many have double majors or dual degrees that include both technical/scientific and humanities studies.

To learn more about our students, visit the M. S. Orientation site.

To learn more about the tools our M.S. students are using in their program, visit the Technical Communication Tools Resources Website.

Student Associations of the M.S. Technical Communication Program

Many students and alumni of the Master of Science in Technical Communication are active in the student chapters of professional organizations. Some of the professional organizations that technical communicators are members of include: