
Our Alumni are valued employees across the triangle and across the nation!

The broad experience and training provided by the core courses and technical electives ensure graduates are well prepared for a variety of careers. Such careers include:

  • Web Design and Development
  • Software Documentation
  • Usability Testing
  • Medical Communication
  • Environmental Communication
  • Agricultural Communication
  • Technology Transfer
  • Organizational Information Management
  • Human-Computer Interface Design

Popular employers of MSTC students include IBM, Lenovo, SAS, Redhat, RTI International, NetApp, Cisco, NCSU, Duke, UNC, etc..

The medium salary of our alumni is about 70000 dollars/year.

The placement rate is usually 100% over the years.

Our Ph.D. program: Students wishing to continue their education can consider our Ph.D. program in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media.

Professionalization opportunities:

ENG 522: Writing in Non-academic Settings

This course provides MSTC students directed work experience including work-site mentoring & evaluation and concurrent academic assignments. This course is completed half in the classroom and half in the field at job or internship for 120 hours. Course instructor, Dr. Susan Katz, helps students identify internship or co-op opportunities using campus and program resources. The classroom portion of the course enables students to discuss readings about writing in the workplace as well as share personal work experiences. Written assignments often have students evaluate their own experiences and learn about developing their strengths and weaknesses.

IBM Pathfinder Mentoring Program

The IBM Pathfinder program is a great opportunity for MSTC students to learn more about technical communication in the workplace. Students sign up to receive an IBM mentor and take part in events such as resume workshops, job shadowing day, IBM lab tours, and much more. Students meet with their IBM mentors on a monthly basis to receive suggestions on their career development and professionalization. The mentoring program also provides great networking opportunities to meet and talk with peers and renowned professionals.

The Technical Communication Association (TCA)

The Technical Communication Association is a student organization that is specifically affiliated with the Technical Communication program, and it is free to join. Leadership and membership opportunities in TCA are also available for all MSTC students. This group made up of current students, faculty, and alumni provides opportunities for MSTC students to get more involved in their field and community. TCA annually hosts SpeedCon, a local conference where technical communication students can present topics relevant to their community. TCA is also involved with local career fairs and maintains connections with alumni who work in the field at tech companies such as RedHat and IBM, as well as communications with the local Society for Technical Communication chapter.

Helpful resources: