Student FAQs
1. Are there set electives that I have to take?
No. Of course, there are recommended electives that have been helpful to other students in the program, but you can decide to customize your education however it best suits your goals and interests. See Registering for Classes for a list of electives and a link to the English Department’s page of approved electives.
However, there is a requirement as far as how many “theory and methods” or “application” electives you can take. Please see the Requirements and FAQs page for those details.
2. What is the difference between an application and theory/methods elective?
A theory and methods elective is generally a reading-intensive course in which students focus on learning and discussing the theories and methods that provide a basis of knowledge for a given subject or body of knowledge. For example, ENG 512: Theory and Research in Technical Communication and ENG 515: Rhetoric of Science and Technology are theory and methods courses.
An application elective is generally a course where students learn and apply how-to knowledge to produce a variety of deliverables and academic projects. For example, ENG 517: Advanced Writing and Editing and ENG 518: Publication Management in Technical Communicators are application courses.
Ask your adviser if you are unsure to which category an elective belongs.
3. What are the 5 required courses?
The 5 required courses are:
- ENG 512: Theory and Research in Professional Communication
- ENG 515: Rhetoric of Science and Technology
- ENG 517: Advanced Technical Writing and Editing
- ENG 518: Publication Management for Technical Communicators
- ENG 675: Projects in Technical Communication
Also, a semester of professional work experience is required.
Please visit the Requirements page for student perspectives and descriptions of the required courses.
4. How do I fulfill the required semester of professional work experience?
The MSTC website has a page dedicated to this requirement for all of the details.
Some students who are already employed will meet this requirement. Discussing this requirement with your adviser is recommended. If you do not currently meet the requirement, you can take ENG 522 (Writing in Non-Academic Settings) and get help finding an internship or co-op. Or, you can search for an internship on your own using campus and program resources.
The “MSTC” google email group often provides opportunities for full-time and part-time employment as well as co-ops and internships.
5. How many hours total are required to graduate?
33 hours is the minimum requirement. 15 of those hours are required courses.
6. Where can I park?
Students can park across the street from Tompkins Hall off of Hillsborough Street in the North Hall parking lot. This parking is free after 5 p.m. on weekdays. To locate North Hall on the map, visit the Maps and Parking page.
Students can also ride the Wolfline for free around campus and use the free park-and-ride lots.
Metered parking is also available on Hillsborough street and is enforced from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
7. Where can I read or study before class?
You have a few options if you need to work on campus or arrive early for class. There are benches in the main hallways that are available. For a quieter space, you can study in Caldwell Lounge, which is located at the intersection of Tompkins and Caldwell halls (this space can be reserved for special events and may not be available at times).
A computer lab is located in Tompkins 113 in case you need to work on an assignment, check email, or print before class.
8. Are computers available in the classrooms to use during class?
ENG 517: Advanced Writing and Editing is generally held in a classroom with computers for each student, since the majority of the work done during class is on computers. For many of the other classes, computers are not provided in the classroom.
Depending on the class and instructor, you may or may not need a computer during class. In fact, some instructors may prefer that you do not bring your computers to class if it is discussion-based. However, you are generally allowed to bring your lap top to class to take notes, pull up reading assignments, etc.
9. How do I print on campus?
Students use WolfPrint to load money on to their account and print on campus. Printing can be done remotely from a lap top and sent to a campus printer or directly from a computer lab or library.
You will use your Unity ID and password to access your WolfPrint account.
10. Do I have to purchase additional software to complete my courses?
No. There is no requirement to buy any software.
In ENG 517: Advanced Writing and Editing, students often use the Adobe Creative Suite products to complete their projects. This software is available to students during class on the University computers and in computer labs and libraries across campus.
The recommendation is that you wait to decide to buy until you have used the software or have identified what your future needs are before spending money on software for one course. However, as a student you have access to discounted software, so if you do decide to purchase, you should try and do it before you graduate. Dr. David Covington can provide additional information about ENG 517 and the software, if you have questions.
11. Should I take the courses in a particular order?
While you are not required to take courses in a particular order, there are some recommendations. For all of the tips about scheduling your courses visit the Registering for Classes page.
For scheduling your classes, consider:
- taking ENG 517: Advanced Writing and Editing early in your course load
- taking ENG 512: Theory and Research in Professional Writing before ENG 515: Rhetoric of Science and Technology (recommended by faculty and students)
- ENG 675 as one of the last courses you take
12. Can I take courses in the summer?
Yes. The 5 required courses are not usually offered, but many electives are offered during the summer. This option can help alleviate your course load during the fall and spring semesters or help you catch up if you had to take some time off.
13. How do I find a job (full or part-time) or an internship?
There are a variety of resources at your disposal to help you find a job or internship:
- Set up your NCSU gmail account and check it often. Alumni and faculty send out job opportunities through the MSTC google email group.
- Sign up for ENG 522: Writing in Non-academic Settings. This course is completed half in the classroom and half in the field. Dr. Susan Katz is the course instructor and can help students identify internship opportunities.
- Attend a CHASS career fair.
- Visit the Career Development Center on campus.
14. Do I have to write a thesis?
No. The MS program requires students to take ENG 675 and complete a capstone course project. Students work all semester on their project and give a presentation to students and faculty at the end of the semester. This is a pass/fail course. See the Requirements page for the detailed description about ENG 675.